Partners & Safe Sets

It has been a busy few weeks here at She Does It Live.

It has been a busy few weeks here at She Does It Live. After our successful Bayonne Open for Business video launched we went to work on two new partnerships, well one old and one new.

We are very excited to announce a return to working with a great small business, and dear friends at Stanlaw Fitness. In years past we worked on fitness videos and client profiles for the team at Stanlaw Fitness. This time around we will be mainly focusing on meeting the team, and the Stanlaw Fitness family as a whole. We start working with Mike Stanlaw and his team this week and couldn’t be more excited.

Additionally, we are partnering with R.J. Walker & Co. Ryan Walker heads a public relations company which aims to do things differently than traditional firms. He holds an MBA from Babson College and prior to starting his own firm worked as a leader for some of the biggest names in marketing and PR. Our partnership will focus on media training for R.J. Walker & Co. clients. By combining their PR theory and our media educational background we are planning to train the next generation of communicators to represent themselves to the best of their abilities. An official press release of the partnership will be posted soon!

We also took some time to ensure the safety of all those we work with by testing for the “Safe Sets Covid-19 Level A Certificate.” The course to receive the certificate was run by Safe Sets International and included some great information on how best to go about working on productions both large and small in the age of Covid. We would like to go above and beyond requirement in ensuring the health and safety of our crew and clients.

With everything new going on however we do have some sad news. We’ve taken a step back from our “Family Recipe” passion project due to scheduling conflicts with our partners. We had a great time making the show and we hope to get back at it sometime in the fall when the world has resumed some type of normal order. Stay tuned for future projects and a return to “Family Recipe” when the time is right.

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